Dr Au offers LASIK at Eye Laser Specialists clinic only

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Did you know?

LASIK reshapes the cornea to allow light to focus on the retina better, without the use of glasses 

or contact lenses

What is LASIK Eye Surgery?

LASIK, or laser in situ keratomileusis, is an outpatient surgical procedure used to treat:

Dr Au will use a special laser to reshape the cornea to improve the way light rays focus on the retina (the light-sensitive “film” at the back of the eye).

LASIK is performed to decrease your reliance on glasses and contact lenses. In most cases, spectacle and contact lens independence is achieved.

Do note that if you are beyond 45 years of age and require glasses for reading (a condition called presbyopia), you will probably still need your reading glasses after regular LASIK. PRESBYOND®  LASIK would be the treatment of choice in this situation. Some LASIK surgeons offer a vision correction method called monovision (limited by laser technology) which leaves one eye slightly short-sighted to allow for close work, while the other eye is adjusted for distance vision. Monovision works well for some patients but some are unable to tolerate it, stereoacuity (3D vision) is also compromised.

Am I a Good Candidate for LASIK Eye Surgery?

Not everyone can have LASIK or will benefit from it. Dr Au and his team will advise you accordingly.

Generally, in order to undergo LASIK surgery in Australia, you should:

Most importantly, you must have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure, and be willing to accept the potential risks associated with it. Fortunately, LASIK is very safe, and the results excellent, and most patients are extremely happy with how the procedure has changed their lives.

How is LASIK Eye Surgery performed?

LASIK is performed as an outpatient procedure. Here is what happens:

In some cases, a contact lens that acts like a bandage is placed over the cornea to allow proper healing of the flap to occur. This will be removed usually the next day.

What to Expect after LASIK Eye Surgery

Most patients are able to return to work a day or two later. Stabilization of vision takes a few weeks, and varies from patient to patient.

What Risks & Side Effects Should I Be Aware of?

These include dry eye, fluctuating vision, hazy vision, haloes and glare in a dim environment and light sensitivity. Over- and under-correction may also occur, and a “top up laser” procedure called “enhancement” may be required in some cases. Serious side effects that can result in loss of vision are extremely rare, and these include severe inflammation, infection and corneal ectasia (weakening and thinning of the cornea)

What if I am Not Suitable for LASIK Eye Surgery?

Do not despair! Alternatives to LASIK are available. Our Eye Laser Specialists clinic provides a wide variety of refractive surgical procedures that aim to provide good vision, and if you are not suitable for LASIK, there are likely to be alternatives for you. These include: